1,115,146,157 HTH BURNED!

The burn address hThBurnHTHinvaLidCoinBurNeDXZZGJjn is now no.1 on Richlist with 35% of coins: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/hth/address.dws?hThBurnHTHinvaLidCoinBurNeDXZZGJjn.htm
Coins from this address can’t be spent.

Our circulating supply is reduced to ~2,100,000,000 HTH!
We will reach 2,800,000,000 in 2028, which is the last year with more than 1 million mined.

700 million coins left in block rewards.

2054 is the first year with less than 1 HTH mined.

Help The Homeless Worldwide A NJ Nonprofit Corporation is a fully registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation, EIN 83-1698753.
Copyright © 2018-2020 · All Rights Reserved · Help The Homeless Worldwide
563 Radio Rd Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087     hthcoin@gmail.com     1-848-221-6383